
data class ProfileInfo(val id: UUID, val name: String, val properties: Set<ProfileInfo.Property>, val actions: Set<String>, val retrievedAt: Instant)

A ProfileInfo is the response to the request of the Profile of a specific player. The result includes the moment when this information was freshly retrieved from Mojang and may be stale or outdated, if Xenos is configured to return those values. The profile data may be signed and therefore have signatures and other cryptographic information if Xenos is configured to request profiles as signed.


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constructor(id: UUID, name: String, properties: Set<ProfileInfo.Property>, actions: Set<String>, retrievedAt: Instant)


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data class Property(val name: String, val value: String, val signature: String?)

A Property is a single dataset of auxiliary information of a specific profile. The data is independent of the rest of the profile and no guarantees are made regarding the existence of a specific property. The signature is only present if Xenos was configured to request signed profiles.


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The moderative actions/sanctions that have been imposed on this profile by Mojang.

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val id: UUID

The unique identifier that was requested and that unambiguously identifies the player.

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The canonical username of the requested player with the rectified capitalization.

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The individual, auxiliary properties of attached information for this profile.

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The moment when this data was originally fetched from the MojangAPI and when it was considered fresh.